Fascinating Facts About Stars - Not A Myth
You are always wondering about space, aren't you? Than what do you think about stars? Stars are amazing, weird and very interesting.Learn all amazing facts about stars, what are stars?Why they have different colors? Generation of stars and much more in this amazing list.So enjoy these amazing star facts.

- A star is a giant luminous ball of super heated gas(plasma) held together by Gravity.
- Every star you see in the night sky is bigger and brighter than our sun.
- The approximate size of the star is about 750m
miles, or nearly eight astronomical units, where one astronomical unit
is the distance between the earth and the sun. This is large enough that
it would extend past Jupiter.
- The more massive a star, the shorter its lifespan. A very massive star may live only tens of millions of years
- A star spend 90% of its life in fusing hydrogen and helium.
- It radiates energy because of nuclear reactions inside it.It radiate heat and light and every other part of electromagnetic spectrum such as radio waves, microwaves, gamma rays and ultra-violet radiations.
- There are approximately 200-400 billion stars in Milky Way Galaxy alone.
- Astronomers think there are very large number of stars in the Universe they estimate that there are at least 70 sextillion stars.That is 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000; which is about 230 billion times the number of stars in Milky Way(our galaxy).
- There are 9,096 stars visible to the naked eye in the entire sky. To see
more, you have to use a telescope to reveal stars fainter than your
eyes can see.
- Most stars are very old. They are usually thought to be between 1 and 10 billion years old.The oldest stars are thought to be around 13.7 billion years old.
- Today the Universe is filled with stars in every shape and size, color and density (but there is no racism in stars) and are the defining features of this Universe.
- Stars can form part of a much larger gravitationally bound structure, such as a star cluster or a galaxy.
- Stars after their death transform into black holes.When the star dies, it's size keeps on decreasing but mass remains the same hence it's density increases hence the thing with lesser mass and higher mass will exhibit a great gravity, hence black hole is formed.
- Star are not always single but they come in binaries trinaries and quadruples. They rotate each other on common center of gravity.
- Some of them are red, blue due to temperature difference.
- Some are the variables. The light varies as the fusion reaction rate goes up or down.
- Stars are source of gravity field. This is what keeps planets close to them.
- This is also not unusual for stars to orbit each other. This happens when they are close together. This is also due to gravity, in the same way as the Earth orbits the Sun.
- The most common type of stars within the universe are red dwarves. These stars are common due to their low mass, and a fact that they live for a very long time before turning into red dwarves.
- A red dwarf is a small, cool, very faint, main sequence star whose surface temperature is under about 4,000 K.
So what do you think about stars? Want to know more facts about stars? So don't wait hit the comments and join the discussion.
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Awesome post.Very interesting and knowledgable.Waiting for more posts.