10 Interesting Questions Everyone Want The Answers About
10 Interesting Questions Everyone Want The Answers About - Not A Myth
10 interesting questions everyone want the answers. Where does toilet waste go on a plane? Why is the sky blue? Why aren't there any more dinosaurs? Why do trees change colors?If you've been around kids long enough you know the questions that as simple as they seem often have you scratching your head. However just because we grow up doesn't mean that our curiosity about the world around us goes away. So if you're ready to finally get the answers to the random questions that lie abandoned in the back of your brain than you have to read this article. So, what are you waiting for?
1. Why do you get goose bumps?
Goosebumps form when tiny muscles at the base of hair follicles contract. In the animal kingdom this helps them warm up faster by standing each hair on end and creating a sort of insulation. In case of danger having all their hairs in the first standing helps an animal look bigger and more threatening in front of an enemy and even though we don't need fur to keep us warm or scare off our enemies, humans still get goosebumps in cold weather or in emotional states it's the result of an instinctual release of adrenaline which means goosebumps are just an evolutionary hand-me-down from our ancestors.
2. Where does toilet waste go on a plane?
Doesn't it go flying towards the ground at top speed? Hopefully not. That sound dangerous and really gross when you press the flush button on the plane a valve opens and sucks everything out of the bowl. The contents are carried into a holding tank within seconds. A single one of those storage tanks can hold about 20 gallons of waste. Right after the plane lands, a service truck removes all the waste from the tanks.
3. Why do we yawn when we're tired?
When we are bored or sleepy our breathing slows down. Our body doesn't like this because it needs your blood to be full of life giving oxygen so when you yawn your lungs fill with air that then feed your blood oxygen it needs to carry throughout your body.
4. Why do birds fly in V - Formations?
First of all it's energy - efficient. The birds flying in the front row create currents of air with their wings. Those flying in the back rows catch these drifts and save their energy. Well, if i were a bird my lazy bones would definitely be in the back row. Also this formation helps all the birds at once see the leader who always flies first.
5. Why did pirates wear eye patches?
They did it to cover an eye they had lost in an epic battle, right? No Wrong, black patches had no connection with missing eyes. Pirates wore them to be able to see in the dark. It takes the human eye more than 25 minutes adapt from light to the dark. So, when pirates needed to go to the lower deck where the light was extremely dim it could simply remove their patch. The eye beneath it was used to the darkness so this helped them find their way.
6. Why do goats have rectangular pupils?
These animals just like horses and hippos need rectangular pupils for survival. With the help of the strange looking pupils goats can see over 280 degrees around them which gives the animals a perfect means to spot predators wherever they are. It's especially important for grazing animals that keep their head down to the ground
7. Why do we close our eyes when eating a lemon?
We probably got this reflex from our ancestors. Our eyes are closed to prevent the sour lemon juice from getting into them, which might harm the mucous membranes.
8. Why is dust white against a black backdrop and black against a white one?
Actually, ordinary dust is gray. However, the tiny size of its particles prevents us from seeing its real color. We just spot if the specks are lighter or darker than the background.
9. Why don’t we recognize our voice on a recording?
The answer is in the ability of our bones to conduct sound. Your interlocutors hear only the sounds conducted by air. The record also contains only such sounds. At the same time, the way we hear our voices is a combination of the regular sounds and the low-frequency sounds conducted by the bones of our skulls.
10. Why do we get a headache when drinking cold water or eating cold food?
You probably noticed that when eating an ice cream you sometimes get a sharp headache. Or maybe it happens when you breathe in the air while jogging in the park in cold weather. It is connected with quick palate vessels’ constriction or distention as a reaction to low temperatures.
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