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14 Weird Things Normal in Past

14 Weird Things Normal in Past - Not A Myth

14 weird things that used to be normal in past. Our ancestors used to do weird and dangerous things in past. In past things are not the same as today. The past is full of curious stories. Our ancient ancestors would undoubtedly have a hard time believing what mankind has been able to accomplish.The thing is, we might have just as hard of a time believing what was normal for our ancestors. Let us explore a few of the things that used to be commonplace but that we could not imagine doing today.

     1. Sending Kids Through Mail

Weird Things Normal in Past

It sounds like a joke, but its true. At the beginning of the 20th century the Americans had an opportunity to send their kids through the mail totally official. It cost around 15 cents if their kid weighs no more than a standard parcel. So, What was the procedure? Children had special stamps which were attached to their clothing. Letter carriers accompany kids riding trains to their final destination points.

    2. Human Zoos

Weird Things Normal in Past

Human zoos, also called ethnological expositions, were 19th-, 20th-, and 21st-century public exhibitions of humans. Human zoos aim to display people from Asia and Africa as a proof of Darwin's theory and so called superiority of white people. Such zoos could be found in Paris, London and Berlin. Hundred and thousands of people visited human zoos where whole villages of different tribes with real inhabitants had to perform religious rituals or war dances. Such shameful entertainment existed for many years.

    3. Babies in Cigarette Ads

Weird Things Normal in Past
Today cigarette ads are banned entirely so it's nearly impossible for us to imagine a baby in one but it was common in 60's. They didn't just use kids to promote tobacco use, the faces of celebrities, politicians, cartoon characters and even doctors could be seen giving their stamp of approval for this deadly product.

Weird Things Normal in Past


    4. Cocaine Treatment

Weird Things Normal in Past
A hundred years ago people didn't treat this substance as something dangerous or harmful on the contrary it was available in drugstores and easily sold without a prescription to heal coughs and toothache. Cocaine was also recommended as a sedative for kids and with other pharmaceutical drugs cocaine was widely advertised.

    5. Babysitter in the 1910s

Weird Things Normal in Past
 Even after the abolishment of slavery in 1865 many white households in the beginning 20th century basically continued the practice of hiring African-American women as nannies and babysitters. They made them work 14 to 16 hours a day seven days a week and for minuscule pay and worse they were still beaten.

Weird Things Normal in Past

    6. Outdoor Playpens

Weird Things Normal in Past
In 1930s such wire cages were very common among British families. With the help of these dangerous constructions kids breathe fresh air while their mothers were busy with household duties. It's unbelievable, but these cages were considered safe.

    7. Garden Hermit

Weird Things Normal in Past
Rich people often have weird whims but in past their obsessions made people suffer. In the 18th century it was popular to have a personal hermit who lived in your garden. A hermit wasn't allowed to wash or cut their nails and hair very often the landowners made them dress like druids. They lived in a handmade get out. They couldn't move away from their dwellings where they were fed and cared for. Owners always showed of in front of visitors and were proud for their Live Decorations. Guests sometimes asked hermits questions so they could give advice.

    8. Focusing devices 

Weird Things Normal in Past
Can’t concentrate at work after a sleepless night? Try this grotesque contraption! People would use this sound insulation helmet to provide a limited (think: focused) view… as well as a limited supply of oxygen.

    9. Sunglasses 

Weird Things Normal in Past
This is an ancient pair of sunglasses. They certainly look like they would block light, don’t they? Of course, it also looks like they would block the vast majority of your vision, in general. Seriously, how could this ever work?

    10. Dangerous Treatment Methods 

Weird Things Normal in Past
Not so long ago, Doctors had no clue about disinfection and used strange methods, Blood letting as a remedy for all diseases, tongue cutting against stammering and electric shock treatment.

Weird Things Normal in Past


    11. Radioactive Products

Weird Things Normal in Past
In the 1950s radiation was treated as quite a safe thing. Atomic toys like the many laboratories were trending. The set of experiments included real polonium and uranium in small quantities. That's not the only shocking thing there was a field where radiation was used. In different American States Young Girls painted watch dials with a paint which contained radium. These women regularly sharpened their brushes in their mouths. If this hasn't left you speechless, What will you say about radioactive toothpaste? It was advertised as a perfect tool to receive blindingly white smile.

Weird Things Normal in Past


    12. Strange Toothpicks

Weird Things Normal in Past

This English toothpick dates back to 1620. It’s difficult to imagine that even back then, people wouldn’t have found it strange to use such a fanciful-looking artifact to do something like cleaning one’s teeth.

    13. Body Parts Collection

Weird Things Normal in Past
Only insane people collect human body parts as trophies nowadays. But it was just a standard hobby causing no disgust in the past. Even soldiers used to take home their enemy's skull.

    14. Smoking Prescribed by Doctors

Weird Things Normal in Past
Seventy years ago American doctors recommended their patients to smoke to get rid of constipation. Even pregnant woman were allowed to smoke? No not just allowed prescribed by the doctor?

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