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20 Amazing Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

20 Amazing Facts That Will Blow Your Mind - Not A Myth

There are so many amazing things in this planet. Some of them are amazing, some of them are cool, some of them are outlandish and some will make you speechless. Sometimes it seems that you've seen so much in this life that nothing will be able to surprise you ever again and than you overheard someone mentioned something amazing like the fact that Ants have two stomachs yes, you heard right. Oh.. the world is such an amazing place. In this list I am going to write down 20 amazing and true facts that will blow your mind.

  1.  The Heart of Blue Whale is so massive that a human being can swim through its arteries and veins.                                                                                                                                                                                    
    Amazing Facts That Will Blow Your Mind
  2. Honey never goes off, not after one year, not after two year, never. Archaeologists have often found pots of honey thousands of years old that are yet still preserved.
  3. Human nose can remember 50,000 different scents and human ear can differentiate millions of sound and human eyes can discriminate about thousands of colors.
  4. The driest place on Earth, the Atacama Desert in Chile is ironically right next to the largest water reservoir of the planet: The Pacific Ocean.
  5. The Turritopsis Nutrivcula Jellyfish is the only known organism on Earth, which is biologically immortal.   
    Amazing Facts That Will Blow Your Mind
  6. Winds ten times stronger than a hurricane on Earth swirl around Saturn's equator reaching up to 1100 km/h and they never let up: even for a moment.
  7. On Saturn and Jupiter rain is made from diamonds. It sounds like a fantasy but that's true.
  8. There 10 times more bacteria in human body than there are cells. Bacteria do a lot to keep us healthy.
  9. Catfish have 27,000 taste buds, and this is 4 time more than what human beings have we have only 7000 of them. 
    Amazing Facts That Will Blow Your Mind
  10. Snails have 14000 teeth.
  11. The soft plastic headphones used on airplanes create a warm and moist environment in ear canal that is ideal for breeding bacteria. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear 700 times.
  12. Reading it for lighting or using a computer in dark does not have any negative effects on your vision, however it might cause eye strain.
  13. When squirrels know that they are being watched by potential thieves, they will pretend to bury an acorn while actually concealing it in their mouth. 
  14. No one has ever managed to tame an African Elephant. Indian Elephants have been domesticated for centuries and used for different purposes.
  15. Along with five traditional senses of sight, sound, touch, smell and taste humans have 15 other senses. These include balance,temperature, pain and time as well as internal senses suffocation,thirst and fullness.  
  16. A candle can burn in zero gravity but flame looks a bit different.                          
    Amazing Facts That Will Blow Your Mind      
  17. A lack of sleep make people see enemies all around them. According to scientists those people have trouble reading facial expressions such as scales and files that's why you become unable to differentiate between a friend and enemy.
  18. The wrinkles that appear on the skin of your hands after taking a bath for example. This phenomenon is caused by the fact when your body encounters increased amount of moisture, it understands that the environment is icy slippery so, the skin on your hands immediately begins to change in a way that will make it easier for you to grip smooth surfaces.
    Amazing Facts That Will Blow Your Mind
  19. The throat of a blue whale is no bigger than a saucer Therefore it can't swallow anything wider than a beach ball. 
  20. We know that ocean cover 70% of the planet, but the truth is that we have only explored 5% of them. Experts estimate that there are between 5 and 100 million species on Earth, but the man was able to identify only 2 million. There is still so much to discover.

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